Can't get apple wood to burn all the way ?

by Hershel
(Yakima, WA)

The apple wood leaves a lot of charcoal and it will not put out any heat. Can you help me out?


Apple is very good firewood. It burns hot, lasts long and emits a pleasant smell. My guess is that you are having problems because you are trying to burn wet wood.

Firewood needs to be seasoned to 20% or less moisture to burn efficiently. If you wood has too much moisture, it will smoke and be hard to light.

If your wood is seasoned, I'm guessing that you are either trying to burn pieces that are too large or you may have a problem with your stove.

My recommendation is to get a moisture meter to check the wetness of your wood. Make sure that you never start a fire with large pieces of firewood. Let the fire build gradually, then add larger pieces(3-5") once you have a good bed of coals. If you still have a problem, it's best to have a professional inspect your stove.

Hope this helps!

-Firewood Matt

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Nov 05, 2015
too large I believe NEW

I think it's because of the large pieces. I had apple wood one year and the same. One guy on the forum or chat (don't remember exactly) told me that I should cut them into smaller pieces which I did and everything was ok then.

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