Firewood Cart, Firewood Carts...What exactly are they?

A firewood cart is a product that holds firewood and also has wheels to cart it around. It is usually used as a means to bring small amounts of wood inside the house.

Some carts also double as self-standing firewood racks that are great for storing beside the fireplace. I personally have two carts that I use and store them beside each other. It really pays off on those cold windy winter days when going outside is a gloomy prospect.

Here are some models for sale:

Why use one?

Simply because they are very useful. A cart is a great item to have for bringing wood indoors with limited stress on your body. There's no need to strain carrying heavy loads of firewood when you have one of these carts. On top of that, some models will hold a full day's wood supply.

It's a convenient item to have around. You can wheel the cart into the house and it provides a nice place to store a small amount of wood inside.

Additionally, you can probably find one that complements the look of your house. It looks much better than piling a bunch of firewood on your hearth. Bottom line- buying a cart will reduce clutter and make moving firewood easier. Obviously, if you live on a second floor or can't wheel a cart to your wood stove, you're probably better off without one. Otherwise, purchase one-you certainly won't regret it.

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