Identify Driftwood Firewood?

by Jack
(L.A. CA)

I found a piece of driftwood at the shore line. I live in Los Angeles CA. This was at Venice Beach. I know NOTHING about wood or trees, but there is something about this piece of wood, I can't get it out of my mind, crazy as that sounds, and I would just like to know what type of tree it came from. Can you help? If not who else should I ask.

It is extremely light. Weighs almost nothing. It is curved, but not bent, it has a natural curve with small twists in it. Most of the bark is gone, washed away I guess, but what bark is left is much darker than the exposed wood, which is very light in color. I think this piece is the tip end off a broken branch. The wood has visible striations running lengthwise, almost like the entire thing is made up of a million tiny wood strands pressed together. The broken end is frayed, and these strands are very notable. Not sure what else to mention, except the tips of the end are flat, of maybe flattened, rather than coming to a point or pointed tip.

All help identifying this is much appreciated.




Unfortunately driftwood is almost impossible to identify unless you are familiar with the wood species in the location where it was found. The problem is that the wood has basically lost most of its identifying features as a function of being driftwood. Your best bet would take it to a local expert. Sorry that I can't be of more help.

-Firewood Matt

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Mar 25, 2016
Expert confirms: NEW
by: J-

Thanks everyone. I took it to a friend of a friend, who is an expert in the subject. It's Grapewood. Which I had never heard of before.

Thanks all!

Mar 25, 2016
starstarstarstarstar NEW
by: Buy Essay

Unfortunately, driftwood cannot be identified for sure. You have to be a specialist to tell what kind of wood it is.

Jan 20, 2016
Ellie Grace NEW
by: Anonymous

When driftwood is a big log there is or should be someone out looking to reclaim it for lumber.can you purchase college essays The log will have an ownership brand, and you may be theft if you take it within some number of days after it arrives

Jun 16, 2015
good answer NEW
by: Anonymous

Until you take the wood to an expert who can physically see it, no judgement can be passed on its being precious or not. If you want some academic articles on wood species you can consult A One Essays where there are expert research writers who are capable to do some research on the topic.

Apr 13, 2011
by: Jack

I've spoken to an expert on driftwood, and he feel's it's either pine, spruce or cedar, since apparently only "softwoods" float for any lengthy amount of time. Any thoughts on these three woods? Maybe if I knew more about the options I could figure out which one it might be.



Unfortunately, I still can't help you out. All three of those species are going to look relatively similar as driftwood. Good Luck!

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