Macadamia Nut Trees as Firewood

by Renee
(Oceanside, CA)

Hi. I have the opportunity to get some free macadamia nut wood. Is this safe to burn in my indoor fireplace?



Macadamia trees make good firewood and are perfectly safe to burn in your fireplace. Like most fruit and nut trees, they are very dense and therefore burn very well.

Like all species of wood, make sure that the wood is properly seasoned before you burn it and you'll be fine.

Hope this helps!

-Firewood Matt

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Nov 13, 2017
Macadamia Nut Trees as Firewood NEW

Thanks for sharing this post. Many people will be getting benefits from this wood for burning purpose.

Nov 11, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

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Jul 12, 2011
Burning Nut Shells
by: Lindsay

I have a macadamia orchard next door and they have bulk (trailer) loads of dry nut shells as waste. I have heard that the shells burn just below the efficiency of brown coal.... would they be ok to burn in a wood and/or coal fire?

Apr 27, 2011
Alergic to these nuts
by: Anonymous

I love macadamia nuts, but I can't eat them. When I do my mouth starts burning my thoart swells up and my heart starts racing and some times my eyes stats itching so bad I can hardly stand it.

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