Mulberry and Apple firewood

by Tim

Greetings, I have two questions regarding these woods for firewood. First, I have seen varying opinions on apple being a good wood for firewood, as far as hard to burn and its BTU value, I'm hoping that apple is good to use, because I have plenty of it. And second, your opinion on Mulberry as a firewood as well.

Thank you.



Both apple and mulberry are excellent firewood species. I'm not sure why people have been telling you otherwise. Perhaps they have been trying to burn the wood unseasoned. If that's the case, it would make sense. Apple and mulberry both burn very well and throw off a lot of heat, provided that they are seasoned properly.

Hope this helps!


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Oct 13, 2015
Firewood NEW
by: Kiesha Brigance

When it comes to your Mulberry and apple firewood around you, it certainly used to bring around more of the confidence near you, so one must need to understand each and every aspects within that limits. assignment help

Sep 23, 2015
hi NEW
by: C_jefferson07

I used apple wood for cooking and I love it because of the evenly heat produced by this wood.

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Sep 16, 2010
Apple and Mulberry
by: Martin Klein

Applewood is, as most fruitwoods always premium firewood. Even the wood of the crabapple tree is excellent. Very good wood for cooking, as it burns very evenly with consistent heat. The only drawback I can see is FINDING apple in any quantity. Mullberry is a good fencepost wood that resists rotting in the soil. It also is an excellent firewood. But take note that mulberry wood needs to be fully seasoned to burn well. Split and chimney stacked for a year, with the top of the stack covered with sheet metal or plywood to keep rain out.

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