Price of oak

(Phoenix )

What is the going price of oak firewood?


The price of oak and other firewood species is largely variable based upon location and current market conditions.

Other factors that will affect the price are whether the wood is seasoned or green, if you need it cut to a specific uncommon size, and potential delivery costs.

My recommendation is to contact some firewood companies in your area and ask them for a quote to get a better idea. Also, craigslist is another place where you can gauge the price. Keep in mind that with firewood, like most products, you usually get what you pay for. Buying from a reputable firewood dealer is usually the best course of action.

Hope this helps.

-Firewood Matt

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Oct 01, 2015
good post NEW
by: Alhasim

Here is you talk about the price of a very rare kind of wood which name is Oak. this wood have very unique features which other kind of wood not have. Infect, some people do business of that wood illegally. However, I like to find some similar website like if anyone know the source or can suggest me then i will helpful for me.

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