Tool to keep firewood off the ground when using a chainsaw.
Are there any tools out there that will help you hold the log off the ground, when bucking it to length?
Yes, there is a tool that is specifically made for that purpose. It is called the Chainsaw Buddy and it attaches to your chainsaw bar. It works great for cutting smaller pieces of firewood. It can be purchased at Amazon for less than 30 dollars.
However, for larger trees, I recommend putting the logs on skids for the best results. This can easily be done by using a Peavey(pictured above) and rolling the log onto some skids. This keeps the log elevated and greatly reduces the chance that you will dull your chain by hitting the ground. If you don't already own a Peavey, you should. It's an excellent tool to have around, and every person that cuts their own firewood should have one.
I hope this helps! Cutting your firewood without having to sharpen your chain every 20 minutes makes for a much more pleasant experience!
-Firewood Matt